  • Secondary
  • Senior Secondary
CBSE Results 2023-2024
Class X
Class XII
Commerce Club

COMMERCE CLUB was established in Year 2000, with the initiative taken by Mrs. Sunita Yadav supported by Sister Fabina.

Commerce prepares the Students to Analyze, Evaluate and Respond to changes taking place in the environment around us. We are being affected and influenced by Social, Political, Legal and Economic Forces. The Commerce Club allows students to Appreciate that business is an integral component of society and develops an understanding of many Social and Ethical issues.


  1. To Bring together commerce fraternity and sensitize the students towards social issues and corporate social responsibility.
  2. To Bring together technology, natural and human initiative in a constantly changing global environment.
  3. To Cover the current topics for discussions, debates, quiz etc.
  4. To Develop an interest in the practical aspects of the theory and practice of business, trade, industry.
  5. To Prepare the students to start their own business units - “ EARN AND LEARN” is organized every year.
  • To Pay respect to Nobel Prize Laureate for FAD Theory Dr. Amartya Sen we have named the Trophy The Amartya Sen Commerce Trophy.
  • The commerce club also organizes the industrial visits for class XI and XII as part of business studies project by CBSE to understand the various principles of Management given by Henry Fayol and FW Taylor.


  1. Earn and learn - an effort to create and atmosphere for vocational studies and learn the joy of charity and inculcate social ethical values.
  2. Tree plantation - Van Mahotsava on various occasions
  3. Cleanliness Campaign in collaboration with CUTS International
  4. Save water campaign and rally
  5. Each one teach one - Advocacy and sensitization towards child Labour
  6. Enactment and ‘Nukkad Natak’ on Child Labour, Women Empowerment , Principles of Management.
  7. Advertisement making by use of latest cameras and technology
  8. Help in times of natural disasters like floods, landslides etc.
  9. Quiz – RBI
  10. Inter School Competitions

Page Updated: August 20, 2018

Developed & Maintained by: Ajay Lobo (29032021)
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