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  • Senior Secondary
CBSE Results 2023-2024
Class X
Class XII

Ex–Angelite Association

Another milestone in the achievement of Sophia school was is the Ex – Angelite Association. It was inaugurated on 21st September, 1997 by the Sister Mabel, the then Principal. It aims at re-enlivening the forgotten touches and smiles of the ex – Angelites and thus keeping them bound closely. It would extend such opportunities by which all can be mutually helpful to one another. The creative potential of ex – students would be ventilated through this association. Its membership is open to all those who have passed the qualifying the examination 10 / 11 /12 from this institution. The membership forms are available in school during zero periods only with Mrs. Jyoti Johnson & Mrs. Susan Anto in the months of July and January.

Page Updated: February 09, 2012

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